Code of Conduct

  1. Preamble

    The Carina Leagues Triathlon Club (CLTC) is a non-profit organisation based at the Clem Jones Sports Centre, Zahel Street, Carina, Queensland, 4152 and has a charter of promoting physical activity through Triathlon Programs to the local community for all age groups and abilities with a specific focus on junior membership and development (being those athletes aged from nine (9) to seventeen (17) years of age).

    The CLTC Triathlon Program has developed this Code of Conduct1 to provide guidance to members and associates on what does and does not constitute acceptable and ethical conduct and behaviour.

    This code is an essential component of maintaining an environment that is conducive to allowing all athletes to enjoy their training and competition as well as attaining their full potential or achieve personal athletic goals.

    The Code of Conduct shall be known as CLTC Code of Conduct.

    This policy will be made available to all members and associates of CLTC at each Annual CLTC Club Sign-on Day and via the CLTC website.

  2. Governance

    The CLTC Code of Conduct shall govern the conduct of all persons associated with the Carina Leagues Triathlon Club whether in a paid or unpaid/voluntary capacity, who are at any time involved in the Carina Leagues Triathlon Club. In particular, it shall apply to:

    • Training and Competing Members of CLTC
    • Associate Members of CLTC (including but not limited to parents and support personnel such as physiotherapists for example
    • Any other persons or organisation that is a sponsor of or affiliated to the CLTC (including but not limited to CLTC committee and Sub-committee members, employees and volunteers.

    This Policy will continue to apply to a person even after they have stopped their association with CLTC if disciplinary action has commenced.

  3. Code of Conduct
    1. Key Principles for all persons associated with the CLTC
      1. Making themselves aware and operating within any Carina Leagues Triathlon Club Policies, Rules and By Laws of the Club that may be in force from time to time, including but not limited to the Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, Membership Terms and Conditions and Group Cycling Policy.
      2. Making themselves aware and operating within the Rules and By-laws of Triathlon Australia.
      3. Behaviour and personal conduct must at all times be in a manner appropriate for children and adults alike with respect to language, dress and personal conduct and be favourable towards CLTC and the greater Triathlon Community.
        1. Refraining from participating in any club activity or event whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
        2. Refraining from encouraging the use of alcohol and tobacco products, illegal drugs or dangerous articles (e.g. knives) in conjunction with training, training camps, athletic competition events or victory celebrations at competition sites.
        3. Act in a manner that is ethical, fair, honest and considerate in all dealings with people associated with the Carina Leagues Triathlon Club
        4. Co-operate fully, respecting all requests and decisions made by the coaches, assistants, committee members or officials
        5. Endeavouring to treat every person equally, within the context of his or her activity, and respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural or ethnic origin, political persuasion or religion.
        6. Treat another person’s property with respect and due consideration of its value as you would your own.
        7. Do control your temper and avoid behaviour which may inconvenience or upset others or become a public nuisance or disturbance.
        8. Do not use foul or disparaging language, sledge or harass other club members, competitors, coaches or officials.
        9. Cooperate in providing an environment where the safety and welfare of children is put above all other consideration.
    2. Key Principles for CLTC Training and Competing Members

      In addition to the items listed in section 3.1 of the CLTC Code of Conduct the Carina Leagues Triathlon Club (CLTC) requires that every competing CLTC member / athlete is bound to the following:

      1. Be on time for training sessions (at minimum arriving 10 minutes prior to session commencement to enable the sessions to start on time).
      2. Work equally hard for yourself and/or any team.
      3. Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
      4. No unsuitable clothing or footwear should be worn during any practical club sessions.
      5. Play by the rules, accepting victory and defeat with dignity and grace.
        1. Always operate within and comply with the appropriate Race Competition Rules and guidelines (even when resolving a dispute).
        2. Never argue or verbally abuse an official, sledge other competitors, or deliberately distract or provoke an opponent.
        3. Treat people involved in the sport of triathlon with courtesy, respect and proper regard for their rights and obligations.
        4. Be a good sport. Applaud all good performances whether they are made by your team or the opposition.
        5. Treat all participants as you would like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor or athlete
      6. Respect the Rules of the CLTC Squad Room including but not limited to: No Storage of Member Bikes.
    3. Key Principles for CLTC Associate Members

      In addition to the items listed in section 3.1 of the CLTC Code of Conduct the Carina Leagues Triathlon Club (CLTC) requires that every CLTC Associate Member (including all Parents and Guardians) is bound to the following:

      1. Support all children and adults in the partaking of Triathlon for their fun, enjoyment. Remember it is for their time to be involved, not yours.
      2. Encourage all children to participate, do not force them.
      3. Never ridicule or yell at a child or other participant for making a mistake or losing a competition. Focus on their involvement, effort, improvement or performance rather than winning or losing.
      4. Encourage children and adults to always play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.
      5. Respect officials' decisions and teach children to do likewise.
      6. Remember that children learn best by example. Congratulate and applaud good performances and efforts from all individuals and teams regardless of the outcome of the competition.
      7. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from Triathlon activities.
      8. Show appreciation for coaches, committee members and race officials and volunteers. Without them, children could not participate in Triathlon.
    4. Key Principles of Persons acting on behalf of CLTC

      The Carina Leagues Triathlon Club (CLTC) requires that every person acting on behalf of CLTC (e.g. Committee Members / Employees / Contractors) is bound to the following:

      1. Making themselves aware of Carina Leagues Triathlon Club Membership Terms and Conditions and related policies and complying with the standards as outlined.
      2. Resolve breaches in line with this code of conduct fairly and promptly through established procedures.
      3. Maintain strict impartiality and confidentiality in regards to sensitive information.
      4. Be professional in actions, language, presentation, manner and punctuality in order to reflect high standards.
  4. Breach of this Policy

    It is a breach of this Policy for any person or associated organisation to which this policy applies to have been found to have:

    1. Breached any of the terms outlined in this policy.
    2. Brought the Carina Leagues Triathlon Club into disrepute.
    3. Victimised another person for reporting a complaint.
    4. Made a complaint that they knew to be untrue, malicious or improper.
    5. Failed to comply with a penalty imposed after an individual has breached this policy or given to an individual during the discipline process.
  5. Disciplinary Measures

    In the first instance Breaches of this Policy will be dealt with by the Head Coach. He or she will report the incident to the CLTC President who shall take further action as deemed necessary.

    It must be noted that all allegations of a serious or criminal nature will be reported to the police or the Department of Child Services.

    If a finding is made that an individual is in breach of the CLTC Code of Conduct, one or more of the following forms of discipline may be imposed:

    1. A direction to make a verbal and / or written apology.
    2. A written warning.
    3. Suspension from participation or engagement in CLTC activities (e.g. training sessions or key CLTC events such as the Annual Awards Day).
    4. Suspension from Training within the CLTC Triathlon Program.
    5. A direction that the individual attend counselling to address their behaviour.
    6. Withdrawal of any awards or achievements bestowed upon them by CLTC.
    7. Recommendations to the CLTC Committee to terminate the individual's membership, appointment or engagement.

1 Adapted From Clem Jones Centre, Risk Management Program & the Australian Sports Commission